Hi, I'm


A systems engineering student

I’m a tech enthusiast that really likes developing software, learning new technologies and helping to bring technology to people’s lives.

About Me

Is life just a series of 1s and 0s, or is there a deeper code hidden within the chaos that we’re yet to decipher? And when we finally crack the cosmic source code, will it reveal a profound truth or simply a cosmic error message? 🤔🌌
Here are a some technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Python and Django
  • Go and BubbleTea
  • Dart and Flutter
  • Java and Spring framework
  • Cibersecurity related stuff
  • Terraform
  • Docker and Kubernetes
  • AWS, OCI, GCP and Fly.io

My Experience!

Teacher Assistant - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
July 2020 - December 2020
As a teacher assistant, my job was to help students correctly understand programming concepts and be able to implement basic software applications.
DevOps Intern - Endava
January 2024 - July 2024
As a DevOps intern, my job consisted in understanding some best practices in the DevOps area and helping in some projects I was involved on.


2019 - 2024
Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota
GPA: 4.3 out of 5.0

Extracurricular Activities

  • Virtual Cloud Research Seedbed
  • Academic Mentor



My GitHub Profile README
Python GitHub Actions Docker
My GitHub Profile README
I developed my GitHub Profile README using Python and a lot of Cool Web APIs to fetch relevant information about me and data I found useful to beautify my profile.
My Cool Webpage
Hugo GitHub Actions
My Cool Webpage
I developed my Cool Webpage using Hugo and Markdown, in the past I tried to use firstly Angular, Ionic and also some other Web APIs to make my personal webpage but looking after dependency conflicts was tedious, so then I tried a more simple approach using HTML and Bootstrap mainly but I felt my webpage was missing something, so I decided to switch to a more minimalistic approach and now I'm using Hugo for static site generation. I think it's also a good idea to say I'm more backend-oriented but I think I can handle frontend pretty good
My Cool LoadBalancer
Go Python Java Docker
My Cool LoadBalancer
I developed a LoadBalancer using Go, Java, Python and PostgreSQL. This project was developed as an Introduction to Distributed Systems class project but I really worked hard on this one so I could practice my skills as a developer. This LoadBalancer is fault tolerant and I also worked on Dockerfiles so there was no need to install the required tools on the machine it was meant to run on. It also includes a video explaining how it works.
My Cool Microservices App
Go Java Docker
My Cool Microservices App
I developed a Microservices App using Java (Spring Boot), I decided to use Spring for this one because it's easy to use and offers libraries for various tasks that are need to be done in a Microservice architecture project. I also made a client CLI app in Go (Using Bubbletea framework for Go) and all this are built into docker images that can be deployed using Docker Compose using Jenkins.

Contact me!

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!